Where to Purchase the Red Church Apryl Bsket
A number of City recreation facilities and indoor amenities are now open under Step 3 of the Ontario Government's Roadmap to Reopen. Provincial and regional health authorities are introducing new measures to strengthen proof of vaccination requirements and public safety measures.
Recreation facilities - health and safety reminders
City recreation facilities are open for limited use.
Community members aged 12 to 17 are required to provide proof of identification and of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 if visiting a City recreation facility, including if participating in organized sports. This requirement is also be extended to all coaches, officials and other volunteers entering a recreation facility.
Enhanced Vaccine Certification
Effective January 4, 2022, in order to access City recreation facilities, new provincial and regional health measures will require community members to present identification along with an enhanced vaccine certificate with QR code showing proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Both digital and paper enhanced vaccine certificates with QR codes will be accepted.
Enhanced vaccine certificates with QR codes can be accessed:
- on the COVID-19 Vaccination Portal;
- by calling the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1-833-943-3900 and requesting the enhanced vaccine certificate be emailed or mailed; or,
- by visiting a Service Ontario location to receive a printed copy.
As of January 10, 2022, individuals with an eligible medical exemption will also be required to present an enhanced vaccine certificate with a QR code to access City recreation facilities. For additional information, visit the Ontario website.
Patrons are reminded that health and safety protocols remain in place at City recreation facilities – including wearing a mask or face covering (with the exception of those who have health, respiratory and sensory issues, various disabilities; are unable to remove the mask without assistance; and, children under the age of two; or for religious reasons). VisitReOpening Recreation for a full list of COVID-19 vaccination requirements, advance booking options and public health protocols.
City Hall - health and safety reminders
To further protect against the highly-transmissible Omicron variant, the City of Oshawa has expanded these enhanced vaccine certification requirements to also include all individuals over the age of 12 attending City Hall effective January 4, 2022.
In-person services are availableby appointment only at City Hall - refer to "What's Open" for a list of counter services and in-person services. Community members must book an appointment by calling 905-436-3311 during regular operating hours (8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday on business days).
Individuals who have a medical or religious exemption from wearing a mask or face covering must advise staffin advance of their appointment or when requesting an appointment. This provides staff the opportunity to provide an alternative to in-person service, where possible; if an alternative option is not possible, necessary arrangements will be made to serve the individual(s).
We encourage community members to do business with the City online or over the phone. Residents can submit many common requests and report issues through Service Oshawa online. Additional online applications and payment options are available through our online services.
Service Oshawa continues to be available to customers via phone, email and live chat during their regular hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday on business days and can be contacted by live chat, phone at 905-436-3311 or email at[email protected].
What's Open | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
City HallOshawa City Hall is open by appointment only for the following services: Service Oshawa, Municipal Licensing Services, Property Tax Services and Building Services. Additional City services (such as Engineering Services and Planning Services) are also available for in-person services at City Hall by appointment. Community members must book an appointment for City services at City Hall by calling 905-436-3311 during regular operating hours (8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday on business days). Individuals who have a medical or religious exemption from wearing a mask or face covering must advise staffin advance of their appointment or when requesting an appointment. This provides staff the opportunity to provide an alternative to in-person service, where possible; if an alternative option is not possible, necessary arrangements will be made to serve the individual(s). Community members attending City Hall for in-person service by appointment must:
Service OshawaCommunity members can continue to do business with the City online or over the phone. Residents can submit many common requests and report issues through Service Oshawa online. Additional online applications and payment options are available through our online services. Service Oshawa continues to be available to customers via phone, email and live chat during their regular hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday on business days and can be contacted by live chat, phone at 905-436-3311 or email at[email protected]. Visit Oshawa.ca/CouncilMembers to contact Members of Council. Building ServicesCommunity members interested in booking an appointment to apply for a building permit, can call 905-436-5658 or send an email to[email protected]. Learn more at Oshawa.ca/Permits. Civil Marriage CeremoniesBookings for civil marriage ceremonies are now available. Civil marriage ceremonies take place in the Council Chamber with ceremony times available on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Call Service Oshawa or visit Oshawa.ca/GetMarried for details. City Recreation FacilitiesProof of vaccination is required to enter City recreation facilities as part of Ontario's Proof of Vaccination policy including:
Community members aged 12 to 17 are required to provide proof of identification and of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 if visiting a City recreation facility, including if participating in organized sports. This requirement will also be extended to all coaches, officials and other volunteers entering a recreation facility. Visit ReOpening Recreation for a full list of COVID-19 vaccination requirements, advance booking options and public health protocols. All other community members are encouraged to book their visit online atRegister.Oshawa.ca. Enhanced Vaccine CertificationEffective January 4, 2022, community members will be required to present an enhanced vaccine certificate with QR code to access City recreation facilities. Both digital and paper enhanced vaccine certificates with QR codes will be accepted. Enhanced vaccine certificates with QR codes can be accessed:
As of January 10, 2022, individuals with an eligible medical exemption will also be required to present an enhanced vaccine certificate with a QR code to access City recreation facilities. For additional information, visit the Ontario website. Outdoor permits are available for team sports and games. Contact the Facility Booking Office to book an outdoor space. Outdoor Amenities: community can continue to use while following government orders, health authority guidelines and adhering to the posted signage. Oshawa Animal ServicesEffective January 4, to further protect against the highly-transmissible Omicron variant, the City of Oshawa has expanded these enhanced vaccine certification requirements to also include all individuals over the age of 12 attending Oshawa Animal Services for a pre-booked appointment. The Animal Shelter's regular in-person operating hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Saturday. Adoption hours are 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. only. To book an appointment for any O.A.S. service, including adoption, cremation, or to collect/ drop off a stray animal, please call 905-436-3311, ext. 2480. To learn how to apply to adopt an animal, visit the City'sAdoption webpage. Oshawa Animal Services continues to offer virtual pet adoptionsonline. The virtual adoption process includes a review of the available animals online by the potential adopter, the submission of a form, a phone interview with O.A.S. staff and then, once approved, the arrangement of safe pick up and secure online payment. Animals adopted through O.A.S. include spay/neuter, vaccinations, flea treatment, deworming, microchipping, rabies vaccine and four weeks pet insurance. For further information, to report a lost/found pet or for licensing services, call 905-436-3311 or viewService Oshawa online options. City AmenitiesCommunity members using outdoor amenities are reminded to adhere to safety protocols, government orders and health authority guidelines.
Oshawa Senior Citizens Centres OSCC55+All branches of the OSCC55+ Oshawa Senior Community Centres are open for in-person visits with COVID protocols and capacity limits in place. Call 905-576-6712 to book your appointment to visit a branch.
For the most up-to-date OSCC55+ information, visit the OSCC55+ website or call 905-576-6712. Oshawa Public LibrariesAll Oshawa Public Libraries branches are open for in-person visits. The Oshawa Public Libraries locations continue to offer Library take-out (curbside pickup) and print-on-demand services at all locations. Visit theirwelcome back webpage for additional details. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
What's Closed | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EventsAll in-person City-led special events and festivals, as well as special event permits are cancelled until further notice. This includes the cancellation of permits for festivals and events in City facilities and outdoor spaces. Oshawa Executive Airport Terminal BuildingCurrently, the Oshawa Executive Airport Terminal building is closed to the public. The Regional municipalities, including the City of Oshawa, are following recommendations provided by Durham Region Health Department, the Province of Ontario and the Federal Government. Fire ServicesOshawa's fire stations have been closed to the public to protect our first responders, but Oshawa Fire Services continues to stand ready to respond to fire emergencies. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Waste Collection service updates | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Waste CollectionThe four-bag limit for bi-weekly garbage collection in Oshawa is in effect. Each bag placed at the curb beyond the four-bag limit must have a bag tag attached for pickup. Contactless options for purchasing bag tags are now available at Oshawa.ca/waste. We encourage residents to continue to practice waste reduction by utilizing their blue boxes and green bins. The Region of Durham's Region Waste Management facility located at 1640 Ritson Road North remains open but will only accept debit and credit card payments (no cash). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meetings - City Council and Standing Committee Meetings | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
City Council and Standing Committee meetings will continue to take place electronically. Community members are encouraged to watch online atoshawa.ca/webcasts. View Upcoming Council and Standing Committee meetings as per the Council approved schedule. Additionally, at the upcoming Council and Standing Committee meetings, delegations will be permitted electronically through remote electronic access provided the request relates to an item on the published agenda and is received by City Clerk Services a minimum of two business days prior to the meeting in order to arrange for technology testing. Due to the technology and testing required, delegation requests received after this deadline will not be permitted. City Clerks Services can be contacted by email at [email protected] or telephone 905-436-3311. To receive email notifications of Council and Standing Committee meetings, visit Oshawa.ca/subscribe. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How can I protect myself and my family members? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
If you have a smartphone, download the COVID Alert app. COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics Check with Durham Health for the latest updates, including appointment availability:
Community members concerned about their health are asked to seek clinical assessment using one of these four options:
Additional resources
Recommendations from Durham Health To reduce the spread of germs, including COVID-19, the Durham Region Health Department recommends that residents:
Refer to additional Health Department resources regarding proper hand washing, stopping the spread of germs and practising social distancing. The Region of Durham Health Department advises that if you are displaying symptoms of COVID-19, and have recently returned from travel outside of Canada, please contact your health care provider and Durham Region Health Department at 905-668-2020 or 1-800-841-2729. A full list of recommendations is available at durham.ca/NovelCoronavirus. View Durham Region's frequently asked questions. |
Emergency Orders, Protocols and Declarations
Province of Ontario Emergency Status on COVID-19 |
Vaccination Requirements As of September 22, 2021, Ministry of Health guidelines require all Ontarians to be fully vaccinated and provide proof of their vaccination status to access certain businesses and select indoor settings to further protect against COVID-19. Community members who are eligible to be fully vaccinated must show their vaccine receipt along with government issued ID (birth certificate, driver's licence, health card, passport) to attend a City recreation facility. Certain exemptions apply, seeOntario Releasing Guidance to Support Proof of Vaccination Policy for more information. All Ontarians can print or download their vaccination receipts from theprovincial booking portal. Those who do not have access to a computer or printer can call the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1-833-943-3900. For further questions about obtaining proof of vaccination, please visit the province'sNew Requirements for Proof of Vaccination in Certain Settings: Frequently Asked Questions. Road to Reopen The Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, released its Roadmap to Reopen, a three-step plan to safely and cautiously reopen the province and gradually lift public health measures based on the provincewide vaccination rate and improvements in key public health and health care indicators. For a full list of changes and for more information, visit the Ontario Government's COVID-19 shutdown webpage. |
Region of Durham declares a State of Emergency |
On March 24, 2020, Regional Chair and Chief Executive Officer, John Henry declared a State of Emergency in the Region of Durham in accordance with the Emergency Management By-law. For the most up-to-date public information about COVID-19 in Durham Region, refer to Durham.ca/NovelCoronavirus. Masks The Durham Region Health Department has issued instructions to ensure the mandatory use of non-medical masks or face coverings within most public and enclosed indoor spaces. Non-medical masks or face coverings are mandatory for all community members within most public and enclosed indoor spaces, with the exception of those who have health, respiratory and sensory issues; various disabilities; are unable to remove the mask without assistance; children under the age of two; or, other valid reasons. The Health Department has created resources to aid the community in safely using a non-medical mask or face covering:
Additional information regarding non-medical face masks and face coverings is available on the Region of Durham's COVID-19 Update webpage. Any inquiries or reports about public establishments not ensuring masks are worn can be directed to the Durham Region Health Department. |
To report a non-compliant business, public establishment, large gathering or mask requirements |
Durham Regional Police Service (D.R.P.S.) For concerns about gatherings beyond allowable limits on private property, residents can now report the situation on drps.ca under Online Services - Community Concern, or call the D.R.P.S. non-emergency line at 1-888-579-1520, ext. 0 or email[email protected]. Region of Durham Health Department To report a non-compliant business including restaurants, food facilities, gyms, grocery stores, personal services setting (including but not limited to hair salons, spas, tattoo and aesthetics), call the Durham Health Connection Line at 905-668-2020 or 1-800-841-2729, or complete the online complaint form. Oshawa Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing Services For concerns related to the use of masks, apartment buildings and concerns at businesses other than those noted above as well as gatherings on public property please contact Service Oshawa. What you can expect:
Stop the Spread Business Information Line Anyone seeking clarification whether a situation falls under the non-compliance orders can call the Stop the Spread Business Information Line at 1-888-444-3659. Assistance is available Monday to Sunday, from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |
City of Oshawa declares a State of Emergency |
On April 6, the City of Oshawa declared a state of state of emergency in response to health authorities indicating it is crucial to slow the spread of COVID-19. |
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics -Book your vaccine appointment today - visit durham.ca/covidvaccines.
Stay alert– If you have a smartphone, download the COVID Alert app.
For more updates on City programming, operations and services visit our frequently asked questions webpage.
For a full list of impacts to Regional programs and services, visit durham.ca/ServiceChanges.
Lakeridge Health: COVID-19 Assessment Clinics
The COVID-19 Assessment Centre is by appointment only. Community members who would like to be tested for COVID-19 can now complete a form to book an appointment. Additional information can be found on the Lakeridge Health website at www.lakeridgehealth.on.ca
- Government of Canada - Travel Notices
- Durham Region Police Service - For concerns about gathering on private property, report online to DRPS.ca under Online Services - Community Concern, or call the D.R.P.S. non-emergency line at 1-888-579-1520, ext. 0
- Durham Region Public Health
- Region of Durham Health COVID-19 data tracker
- Lakeridge Health
- Ministry of Health
- Government of Canada
- World Health Organization
Phone Numbers
- Durham Region Health Department at 905-668-2020 or 1-800-841-2729
- Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000
- Service Ontario Information Line at 1-866-532-3161
- Government of Canada COVID-19 Information Services at 1-833-784-4397
- Stop the Spread Business Information Line at 1-888-444-3659
- File a price gouging complaint at 1-800-889-9768
Where to Purchase the Red Church Apryl Bsket
Source: https://www.oshawa.ca/residents/covid-19-information-updates.asp
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